Undergraduate Program

Associate of Science in Business Administration (ASBA)

The Associate of Science in Business Administration (ASBA) degree program aims to prepare students to begin or advance their careers in the business world. The program provides students with a basic understanding of business through an appropriate blending of business and general education. It also introduces the principles of the Christian worldview. The ASBA degree program can also be a major step towards completing a bachelor’s degree. All courses completed from the IAU ASBA degree program shall be waived for the IAU BBA degree program.

Admissions Requirements

Program Learning Objectives

Program Learning Objectives (PLO)

Primary objectives of this program include equipping students with the knowledge and ability to:

  1. Develop basic writing skills. (ILO1)
  2. Develop basic oral presentation skills. (ILO2)
  3. Demonstrate basic elements of critical thinking to analyze issues, solve problems, and make business decisions. (ILO3)
  4. Integrate learning in the areas of general education, accounting, economics, management, and technology. (ILO4)
  5. Identify Christian ethical implications of business practices. (ILO5)

Mode of Instruction

Instruction can be completed through classroom-hybrid and/or online instructional methodologies.

Completion Time


ProgramFull Time
Standard (Yrs)
Part Time Standard (Yrs)Full Time 150% (Yrs)Part time 150% (Yrs)
A.S.B.A. Degree2.553.757.5


A.S.B.A. Program RequirementsSemester Hours
General Education Component
5 Courses
15 Semester Hours
English | 1 Required Course
3 Semester Hours
ENG 100 English Composition3
Math & Science | 2 Required Course
6 Semester Hours
BUS 150 Business Math3
ENV 100 Introduction to Environmental Science3
Social Science | 1 Required Course
3 Semester Hours (Choose 1)
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology3
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology3
SOC 110 Art and Culture3
Religion | 1 Required Course
3 Semester Hours (Choose 1)
REL 100 Introduction to Religion3
REL 110 Introduction to the Bible3
Professional Component
10 Courses
30 Semester Hours
ACC 100 Financial Accounting3
ACC 200 Principles of Managerial Accounting3
BUS 100 Global Dimensions of Business3
BUS 110 Business Communications3
BUS 200 Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
ECN 200 Microeconomics3
ECN 210 Macroeconomics3
INT 100 Introduction to Information Technology3
INT 150 Computer Applications3
MGT 200 Supervision3
Internship Component
2 Semester Hours
The Internship Component requirement can be fulfilled by completing an internship, internship reflection course, or by seeking Prior Experiential Learning credit (PEL). 2
Elective Component
13 Semester Hours
The Electives Component requirement can be fulfilled by receiving credit for any undergraduate courses (100-499) that are not already a requirement.13

For the course descriptions, click here.

Graduation Requirement

  1. Complete 60 semester units of prescribed curriculum.
  2. Complete a minimum of TWO internships.
  3. Complete all required coursework with a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  4. Apply for graduation and meet all academic and financial requirements.
  5. F-1 students must maintain lawful status.

Major 1: CIP Code 52.0201

Related Jobs: Business Administration and Management, General

Job Outlook and Salary:  Business

11-1011.00Chief Executives
11-1011.03Chief Sustainability Officers
11-1021.00General and Operations Managers
11-2022.00Sales Managers
11-3012.00Administrative Services Managers
11-3013.00Facilities Managers
11-3013.01Security Managers
11-3051.00Industrial Production Managers
11-3051.01Quality Control Systems Managers
11-3051.02Geothermal Production Managers
11-3051.03Biofuels Production Managers
11-3051.04Biomass Power Plant Managers
11-3051.06Hydroelectric Production Managers
11-3071.00Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers
11-3071.04Supply Chain Managers
11-3111.00Compensation and Benefits Managers
11-3121.00Human Resources Managers
11-3131.00Training and Development Managers
11-9021.00Construction Managers
11-9072.00Entertainment and Recreation Managers, Except Gambling
11-9151.00Social and Community Service Managers
11-9179.00Personal Service Managers, All Other
11-9179.01Fitness and Wellness Coordinators
11-9179.02Spa Managers
11-9199.00Managers, All Other
11-9199.01Regulatory Affairs Managers
11-9199.02Compliance Managers
11-9199.08Loss Prevention Managers
11-9199.09Wind Energy Operations Managers
11-9199.10Wind Energy Development Managers
11-9199.11Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers
13-1051.00Cost Estimators
13-1071.00Human Resources Specialists
13-1081.01Logistics Engineers
13-1081.02Logistics Analysts
13-1082.00Project Management Specialists
13-1111.00Management Analysts
13-1141.00Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists
13-1199.00Business Operations Specialists, All Other
13-1199.04Business Continuity Planners
13-1199.05Sustainability Specialists
13-1199.06Online Merchants
13-1199.07Security Management Specialists
25-1011.00Business Teachers, Postsecondary
Program Learning Objectives

Program Learning Objectives (PLO)

Primary objectives of this program include equipping students with the knowledge and ability to:

  1. Develop basic writing skills. (ILO1)
  2. Develop basic oral presentation skills. (ILO2)
  3. Demonstrate basic elements of critical thinking to analyze issues, solve problems, and make business decisions. (ILO3)
  4. Integrate learning in the areas of general education, accounting, economics, management, and technology. (ILO4)
  5. Identify Christian ethical implications of business practices. (ILO5)

Mode of Instruction

Instruction can be completed through classroom-hybrid and/or online instructional methodologies.

Completion Time


Full Time Standard (Yrs)
Part Time Standard (Yrs)
Full Time 150% (Yrs)
Part time 150% (Yrs)


A.S.B.A. Program Requirements
General Education Component
5 Courses
15 Semester Hours
English | 1 Required Course
3 Semester Hours
ENG 100 English Composition
Math & Science
2 Required Course
6 Semester Hours
BUS 150 Business Math3
ENV 100 Introduction to Environmental Science3
Social Science
1 Required Course
3 Semester Hours
(Choose 1)
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology3
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology3
SOC 110 Art and Culture3
Religion | 1 Required Course
3 Semester Hours
(Choose 1)
REL 100 Introduction to Religion3
REL 110 Introduction to the Bible3
Professional Component
10 Courses
30 Semester Hours
ACC 100 Financial Accounting3
ACC 200 Principles of Managerial Accounting3
BUS 100 Global Dimensions of Business3
BUS 110 Business Communications3
BUS 200 Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
ECN 200 Microeconomics3
ECN 210 Macroeconomics3
INT 100 Introduction to Information Technology3
INT 150 Computer Applications3
MGT 200 Supervision3
Internship Component
2 Semester Hours
The Internship Component requirement can be fulfilled by completing an internship, internship reflection course, or by seeking Prior Experiential Learning credit (PEL).
Elective Component
13 Semester Hours
The Electives Component requirement can be fulfilled by receiving credit for any undergraduate courses (100-499) that are not already a requirement.

For the course descriptions, click here.

Graduation Requirement

  1. Complete 60 semester units of prescribed curriculum.
  2. Complete a minimum of TWO internships.
  3. Complete all required coursework with a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  4. Apply for graduation and meet all academic and financial requirements.
  5. F-1 students must maintain lawful status.

Major 1: CIP Code 52.0201

Related Jobs: Business Administration and Management, General

Job Outlook and Salary:  Business

11-1011.00Chief Executives
11-1011.03Chief Sustainability Officers
11-1021.00General and Operations Managers
11-2022.00Sales Managers
11-3012.00Administrative Services Managers
11-3013.00Facilities Managers
11-3013.01Security Managers
11-3051.00Industrial Production Managers
11-3051.01Quality Control Systems Managers
11-3051.02Geothermal Production Managers
11-3051.03Biofuels Production Managers
11-3051.04Biomass Power Plant Managers
11-3051.06Hydroelectric Production Managers
11-3071.00Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers
11-3071.04Supply Chain Managers
11-3111.00Compensation and Benefits Managers
11-3121.00Human Resources Managers
11-3131.00Training and Development Managers
11-9021.00Construction Managers
11-9072.00Entertainment and Recreation Managers, Except Gambling
11-9151.00Social and Community Service Managers
11-9179.00Personal Service Managers, All Other
11-9179.01Fitness and Wellness Coordinators
11-9179.02Spa Managers
11-9199.00Managers, All Other
11-9199.01Regulatory Affairs Managers
11-9199.02Compliance Managers
11-9199.08Loss Prevention Managers
11-9199.09Wind Energy Operations Managers
11-9199.10Wind Energy Development Managers
11-9199.11Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers
13-1051.00Cost Estimators
13-1071.00Human Resources Specialists
13-1081.01Logistics Engineers
13-1081.02Logistics Analysts
13-1082.00Project Management Specialists
13-1111.00Management Analysts
13-1141.00Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists
13-1199.00Business Operations Specialists, All Other
13-1199.04Business Continuity Planners
13-1199.05Sustainability Specialists
13-1199.06Online Merchants
13-1199.07Security Management Specialists
25-1011.00Business Teachers, Postsecondary



CIP Code 52.0801

Courses Required (9 units)

  • FIN 300 Fundamentals of Finance (3 units)
  • FIN 400 Intermediate Financial Management 1 (3 units)
  • FIN 410 Intermediate Financial Management 2 (3 units)
  • FIN 420 Financial Markets And Institutions (3 units)
  • FIN 430 Intro To Investments (3 units)
  • FIN 440 Financial Statement Analysis (3 units)

Hospitality, Travel & Tourism

CIP Code 52.0901

Courses Required (9 units)

  • HTT 200 Introduction To Hospitality Tourism (3 units)
  • HTT 205 Introduction To Hotel Management (3 units)
  • HTT 210 Introduction To Aviation Mangement (3 units)
  • HTT 300 Global Tourism Concepts (3 units)
  • HTT 310 Hospitality And Tourism Marketing * (3 units)
  • HTT 320 Organizational Behavior For The Hospitality Industry * (3 units)
  • HTT 400 Economics Of Tourism * (3 units)
  • HTT 410 Planning And Developing Tourism (3 units)
  • HTT 420 Hospitality And Strategic Management * (3 units)

*Course substitution for Common Professional Component Course


CIP Code 52.1401

Courses Required (9 units)

  • MKT 300 Marketing (3 units)
  • MKT 310 Pricing Strategies (3 units)
  • MKT 320 Small Business Marketing and Strategy (3 units)
  • MKT 400 Public Relations (3 units)
  • MKT 410 Advertising (3 units)
  • MKT 420 Consumer Behavior (3 units)

Quality and Cost Effective




Instruction Methods

2.5 Years

Program Length
  • I would recommend IAU to anyone looking for a great school. There’s wide flexibility of classes at IAU, so you won’t be sitting in a classroom all week long –but when you are in class, the size is appropriate and the professors will always be there to ensure you understand exactly what’s being taught. Their diploma is respected and the price is more than reasonable. Don’t hesitate to apply!

    Read more

    Kutyba Alexis
    ASBA 2019 Student