IAU Establishes New ASC in Malaysia


IAU has established a new Affiliate Support Center (ASC) with IGM Academy SDN. BHD, Malaysia to help support IAU’s most popular program, the MBA,through online mode of instruction. IGM is an institution of life-long learning, licensed and approved by the Ministry of Human Resources (HRDF/PSMB). IGM’s Principal Director, Dr. Oliver Ho, has over 35 years of business experience in senior management in industries such as information technology, consumer banking, merchant banking and the delivery of life-long learning courses and in providing corporate consultancy services. IAU President, Ryan Doan, and Dr. Oliver Ho are excited to bring IAU’s online MBA program to Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia with this exclusive partnership.

IGM assists in the marketing and recruiting of students to enroll in IAU’s online programs delivered through IAUonline. IAU provides the standard lecture using web-conferencing tools with its American professors. Students can engage with other students from around the world, ask questions, and participate in class discussions. IGM will help facilitate the online method of instruction by providing optional on-ground support in the areas of face-to-face tutorial or supplemental instruction in a local language to assist student comprehension, or translations, if needed. This blended style of educational delivery, online and face-to-face, has proven to be effective is perfect for working professionals and so all the students have the flexibility and convenience of combining online self-study and group studies, along with regular face to face workshops; they also continue to work, earn and with the opportunity to apply their learning immediately. Online learning is the most effective way to bring quality American business education to Asia during the COVID pandemic.


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