February 2022


Korean MBA In Beauty Management Launches In Summer 2022

Korean MBA In Beauty Management Launches In Summer 2022

IAU is proud to announce that it has partnered with STHIS, SNU (Seoul National University) Technology Holdings Intelligence Service, Seoul, S. Korea to deliver a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Beauty Management. Since 2010, IAU has been offering online learning services which integrate business management education. For STHIS, it has been providing three categories of services since 2013; business consulting, education services, and educational platforms. STHIS commits itself to delivering unmatched depth and expertise by utilizing knowledgeable leaders, professors, and researchers in their chosen field.

IAU Establishes New Affiliate Support Center in Egypt

IAU Establishes New Affiliate Support Center in Egypt

IAU has established a new Affiliate Support Center (ASC) with American Educational Services (AES), Egypt. AES, a private Egyptian corporation located in Cairo, Egypt is incorporated and Approved by the Egyptian Investment Law No. 72 to establish, manage, represent, and operate local and international educational institutions. AES is headed by Managing Director, Wael Mahmoud. Director Wael has been involved in higher and professional education for more than 20 years. AES represents several American professional training Institutions, American high schools, and American universities.

IAU Establishes College Credit Transfer Agreement with OnlineDegree.com

IAU Establishes College Credit Transfer Agreement with OnlineDegree.com

​​IAU and OnlineDegree.com recognize the desirability of ​​OnlineDegree.com students to be able to transfer to ​credit to ​accredited degree programs. ​​Therefore, ​IAU ​and ​OnlineDegree.com have entered into a cooperative agreement which will allow students with coursework from OnlineDegree.com to transition into degree programs at IAU.

The education and evaluation of transfer credit is based on National College Credit Recommendation Services (NCCRS) recommendations and in accordance with IAU’s standard transfer policies. Credits for undergraduate coursework designated from OnlineDegree.com are recognized by and transferrable to IAU’s undergraduate programs for students at OnlineDegree.com. An official transcript must be received before credit may be granted towards a student’s program and only courses with a grade of C or higher are transferable.