TRACS Reaffirmation Site Visit

TRACS Reaffirmation Site Visit

After its five (5) years of initial accreditation, IAU was scheduled for a Reaffirmation Site Visit held on September 23-26, 2024. Coincidentally, the State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) surprised IAU with an unannounced Site Visit on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, which added to the already stressful week.

The TRACS Visiting team consisted of Dr. Tanmay Pramanik, Vice President of Institutional Compliance and 5 peer school evaluators.  IAU was assessed against TRACS 17 Standards divided into Accreditation requirements and Federal requirements. Preparation towards the reaffirmation required the IAU Leadership Team, faculty, and staff’s commitment to ensure that IAU present quality and substantive evidence-based outcomes of performance as an institution. 

In conclusion, IAU received no Findings or Recommendations and 6 Suggestions. This is an amazing result that only a few institutions can achieve! The results of the Site Visit will be made known at the April 2025 Commision meeting.  

On behalf of the Board of Directors, President Dr. Ryan Doan would like to extend his sincerest appreciation to all the IAU community, which includes the leadership team, management team, faculty, and students, who participated in the interview with the evaluators. IAU expresses special appreciation to Dr. Richard Gayer, Chief Academic Officer, and Pauline Kim, Director of Special Projects. Dr. Gayer’s participation in TRACS Site Visits as an evaluator gave IAU some deep insight as to how to be successful with the Reaffirmation Visit. Ms. Kim led IAU through the TRACS Candidacy process in 2019, the Accreditation process in 2020, and spearheaded the 2024 Self Study and Reaffirmation Site Visit. Without their contributions and experience, this result would not have been possible.