Sangan Goudar

MBA, 2010

April, 2016


have been working in the banking sector for close to decade and a half now. My role requires meeting high profile people of various industries. The individuals I meet are CEOs, CFOs, heads of human resources, and profiles of such kind. The knowledge & skill set required in interacting with such people requires much more sophistication and diplomacy than an entry level position. I was looking forward for an International MBA and I came across IAU. After having done my home work through many sources, including consultation with my earlier professors and my friends in the US, I chose IAU. It’s been a wonderful experience with Team IAU and their professors.

The program provides a leadership toolkit, which can immediately apply to work; a clear advantage for someone working in an industry that is constantly developing and integrating within the ever-changing environment. The experience has further increased my ability to lead multi-discipline international teams and has also opened doors to excellent career opportunities.

Working with such a varied group of students was extremely valuable – shared insights and experiences all enhanced my business learning. The MBA provided me with a wide set of skills and the capacity to use them in a variety of scenarios. You can employ specialists, but you need to have a robust understanding of everything that goes on in a business,  and that’s what the MBA delivers.

All the subjects we had during the course were very pragmatic and dynamic. Working on live case studies, presentations, discussions and brain-storming sessions out-did conventional teaching. These teaching strategies made me understand the purpose and the concepts. The marketing and finance courses continue to help me in my working life. The coursework was tough and working in diverse, multi-faceted groups helped me to develop cross-cultural communication and negotiation skills. Special thanks to Dr. Ambashankar for sharing expert insights into various disciplines of management and dedicated guidance.

The MBA program from International American University has transformed me to be stronger, more confident, and has molded me to face the open challenges in the outside world. For me, it’s an honor and I remain thankful for having this wonderful opportunity through IAU.