Belinda Wong

BBA, 2012

June, 2017


y name is Belinda Wong and I am a recent graduate of the BBA, class of 2012. The online learning program was very useful comparing with my limited time for work and family. This experience has given me the opportunity to grow in my education and career. The courses are well presented and challenged my way of thinking. IAU’s staff and faculty truly encouraged and support my education. I am truly thankful for Ryan Doan’s guidance and encouragement.

BBA program has been well designed. Courses are relevant and challenging. Program has been designed in a way that covers all the possible prospects in the job market. I personally enjoyed the subjects of Business Strategy, which emphasized on how we can be leaders rather than followers.

The BBA degree from IAU has brought great success to my life and especially my career at Broadcom Corporation. It has made significant changes in my knowledge and leads me to a successful career path.

I strongly encourage working students or adults who want to upgrade their skills and knowledge in order to advance in their career within the organization or elsewhere to pursue the online BBA programs here at IAU. Thank you IAU for your love and support! Testimonial posted May, 2016.

Senior Accounting Coordinator
Broadcom Corporation
Irvine, California, USA