IAU First Job Fair Event

IAU First Job Fair Event

On April 25, 2024, IAU hosted its first-ever job fair, a collaborative effort led by the Office of Career Services and the Events Team. The event was a resounding success, connecting students with prominent employers across diverse industries.

The Office of Career Services provided essential support, offering resume workshops, interview coaching, and networking guidance to ensure students were well-prepared for the event. Meanwhile, the Events Team orchestrated a seamless and engaging experience for participants, from booth design to logistical coordination.

The job fair attracted a wide array of companies, giving students valuable insights into various career paths and opportunities. Employers praised the professionalism and enthusiasm of our students, with many forging connections that led to internships and job offers.

This successful event underscores IAU’s commitment to empowering students and fostering meaningful connections between academia and the professional world.

We look forward to building on this success and creating more impactful initiatives to support student career growth and success.