

IAU Honors Global Education Leader Cyndi McLeod

IAU Honors Global Education Leader Cyndi McLeod

IAU Honors Global Education Leader Cyndi McLeod, CEO of Global University Systems Canada. The event occurred at IAU’s Orange County campus, attended by McLeod’s guests and IAU leaders, including President Dr. Ryan Doan, Dr. Alex Sherm, and Professor John Strain.

Articulation Agreement

New Articulation Agreement with Jessup University

A new articulation agreement with Jessup University. It ensures a smooth transfer process into Jessup’s diverse programs. William Jessup University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission.

IAU Building with LAVI and IAU logos

IAU Partnership with LA Vocational Institute

IAU is pleased to announce a partnership with the Los Angeles Vocational Institute (LAVI) to expand its Associate of Science in Business Administration (ASBA) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program with specialized healthcare tracks, launching in Summer 2025.

20th Anniversary Celebration of IAU

Established in 2005, IAU celebrates its 20th Anniversary in 2025. The IAU celebrated its 20th anniversary by unveiling a new emblem, the IAU Eagle, and releasing commemorative artwork.

TRACS Reaffirmation Site Visit

After its five (5) years of initial accreditation, IAU was scheduled for a Reaffirmation Site Visit held on September 23-26, 2024.  IAU received no Findings or Recommendations and 6 Suggestions. This is an amazing result that only a few institutions can achieve!

BPPE Unannounced Site Visit

On Tuesday, September 24, 2024, IAU had an unannounced site visit from the State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE). Mr. Bond, the BPPE officer, was satisfied and concluded the visit with zero findings.